Today we are bringing you the top 10 Tom Hardy’s The Bikeriders 2024 movie quotes and sayings. Tom Hardy’s character in this series is portrayed as Johnny. As we all know Tom Hardy is a character, one cannot hate. In this post we are going to take a look at the quotes from one of the Tom Hardy’s most expected movie in 2024, The Bikeriders.
“The Bikeriders (2024), a drama written and directed by Jeff Nichols, tells the story of a fictional motorcycle club in 1960s Midwest. Kathy (played by Jodie Comer), a determined member of the Vandals, is married to Benny (played by Austin Butler), a daring and unpredictable biker. The club starts as a group of outsiders bonded by fun, roaring motorcycles, and admiration for their dependable leader, Johnny (played by Tom Hardy). Over the years, as life in the Vandals becomes more perilous and the club teeters towards criminal activities, Kathy, Benny, and Johnny face tough decisions about their allegiance to the club and to each other.”
The Bikeriders (2024) Quotes
So, without further ado, let’s get into the list of quotes from the HBO Movie, The Bikeriders. Check our Twitter for more. Once the movie is released and we’ve had the opportunity to watch it, we’ll include the standout quotes. For now, here’s a preview selection.
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Tom Hardy (Johnny) Quotes from The Bikeriders
If he wants to ride a bike, he’ll ride a bike.
“I’m thinking of starting a riding club.” – Johnny
“I’ve been thinking, I can’t run this club forever. I built this from nothing. This is our family. You and me, kid.” – Johnny

“Hey, you know, just think it over, you know?” – Johnny
“What the hell were you thinking back there?” – Johnny
“They’re scared of us.” – Johnny
“These young guys, they ain’t going to follow nobody except somebody who can hold their own.” – Johnny
“If he wants to ride a bike, he’ll ride a bike.” – Johnny
Jodie Comer (Kathy) Quotes from The Bikeriders
Dive into the rebellious world of Kathy from “The Bikeriders” with her most memorable lines. Discover the essence of 1960s motorcycle culture through the words of this fearless character, portrayed by Jodie Comer.
“That was the golden age of bike riders. I never felt so out of place in all my life.” – Kathy
“And that’s when I seen Benny, standing over at the pool table. He took my breath away.” – Kathy

“Who’s that good looking guy over at the pool table?” – Kathy
“I thought I could change him, you know? Not to be different, but to be, I don’t know, like he’s wild!” – Kathy
“The club got real big, real fast. They started running drugs, gambling, prostitution.” – Kathy
“If he keeps riding, he’s going to die one way or another.” – Kathy
Austin Butler (Brucie) Quotes from The Bikeriders
We don’t belong nowhere else, so we belong together.

“We don’t belong nowhere else, so we belong together.” – Brucie
“You’d have to kill me to get this jacket off.” – Henry
“Some people would rather crash than slow down.” – Benny
Here are 10 more related quotes about the bikeriders that capture their fearless and adventurous spirit:
“Some people ride to escape reality, others ride to embrace it.” – Unknown
“Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride.” – Eddy Merckx
“Life may begin at 30, but it doesn’t get real interesting until about 110.” – Unknown
“Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul.” – Unknown
“If you don’t ride in the rain, you don’t ride.” – Unknown
“Riding a bike is like an art, something you do because you feel something inside.” – Valentino Rossi
“You do not need a therapist if you own a motorcycle, any kind of motorcycle!” – Dan Aykroyd
“The motorcycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine.” – John Allen Paulos
“The best alarm clock is sunshine on chrome.” – Unknown
“It’s not the destination, but the glory of the ride.” – Unknown
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