Is Rebecca Falcone a victim of Taylor Sheridan’s writing?

As a huge Taylor Sheridan fan it’s hard to say this but Landman is testing my patience. Sheridan has given us Yellowstone, Tulsa King and 1883 with strong characters and great storylines. But with Landman something feels off especially with the women and Rebecca Falcone is at the center of it.

Rebecca Falcone played by Kayla Wallace started off as a brilliant no nonsense attorney. In the beginning she was sharp, confident and someone you could root for. But by episode 8 she took a 180. Instead of being the composed intelligent woman we liked she became aggressive, manipulative and just plain mean. Fans were quick to notice this change and many took to social media to express their frustration.

One comment stuck with me: “Good attorneys don’t have to act like that. You have to be firm but also compassionate.” True. Rebecca used to be firm but also compassionate. Now she’s a caricature of an “angry woman.”

This isn’t the first time Sheridan’s written female characters have come under fire. Fans have complained about Beth Dutton in Yellowstone being over the top in her aggression. Now Rebecca is following in her footsteps.

What’s more frustrating is this isn’t just about Rebecca. Other women in Landman like Ali Larter’s Angela and Michelle Randolph’s Ainsley aren’t doing much better. Fans have called them “unlikeable” or “weak” and it’s hard to argue against that.

And then there’s the over-sexualization. Scenes of women prancing around half dressed, unnecessary sexual content and weird relationship scenes—these moments kill the show. A fan said “Half the damn show was pointless scenes of her being so weirdly over-sexualized. It contributes to nothing to the plot.” I agree.

Sheridan’s shows have always been about complex characters in tough worlds. That’s what I loved. But in Landman it feels like the women are either too aggressive, too sexualized or just plain irrelevant.

Rebecca Falcone could’ve been a great character—a smart determined woman holding her own in a cutthroat world. Instead she’s another example of Sheridan’s inability to write women with substance. Is she a victim of poor writing? Yes.

Taylor Sheridan is a great storyteller but it’s time he rethinks how he writes women. As a long time fan I hope he listens to the feedback and makes changes because Landman could be so much better than this.

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